
Tag Archives | Health partnerships

NUI Galway & Saolta Healthcare Group + Copperbelt University & Ndola Central Hospital, Zambia

Building Capacity Across Disciplines in Zambia A Start-Up Grant has been awarded to the developing partnership between the NUI Galway College of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, and the Saolta University Healthcare Group, and their counterparts in Zambia’s Copperbelt province: Copperbelt University School of Medicine, Ndola Central Hospital, and the associated School of Nursing in […]

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EQUALS Initiative + Northern Technical College, Zambia

Fulfilling Medical Equipment and Training Needs in Zambia The EQUALS Initiative was established in 2013 as a collaboration between the HSE and the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, based around donations of medical equipment from Irish hospitals to institutions in low- and middle- income countries, and the provision of training to improve service quality. […]

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Institute of Community Health Nursing, International partnership

From Local to Global: Public Health Nursing Networks Extend Their Reach The Institute of Community Health Nursing is a professional body that represents community nurses in Ireland and promotes community-nursing services through education, development and research. Through the collective efforts of over 100 public health nurses and affiliate organizations across the world recognising the need […]

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UCD Physiotherapy + School of Physiotherapy at Mbarara University of Science and Technology

Developing Educational and Research Capacity The purpose of project is to strengthen an existing partnership and to develop educational and research capacity between UCD Physiotherapy and the School of Physiotherapy in Mbarara University of Science and Technology, (MUST) Uganda. A secondary aim is to explore the opportunity to further develop links between UCD College of […]

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Dundalk IT + Kyambogo University Uganda

Establishing Nursing and Public Health Training at Kyambogo University This project seeks to build on existing professional and institutional relationships that were developed with partners in Uganda during the DkIT led Amazzi Bulami: Water is Life research project over the period 2009-15. Water is Life undertook an examination of water services provision and water infrastructure […]

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Sudanese Doctors Union of Ireland + Sudanese Society of Anaesthesiologists

Developing and Improving the Medical Practices in Sudan The Sudanese Doctors Union of Ireland (SDUI) is registered as a non-profit organization in Ireland since 2010 and has been representing Sudanese doctors in Ireland since. Among its main mandates, the SDUI aims to foster the development of health services and medical education in Sudan. The SDUI […]

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National Office of Acute Hospitals, HSE + National Cancer Institute, University of Gezira, Sudan

Collaborative Institutional Learning on Cancer Control, Treatment & Prevention The National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the University of Gezira (UG) first starting collaborating with HSE partners in 2012 through a medical conference held in Madani, Republic of Sudan. While the NCI is a leading cancer treatment institution providing both clinical and academic areas of expertise, […]

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University College Dublin + Bo Government Hospital, Sierra Leone

Essential Training in Maternal and Newborn Care UCD’s Centre for Emergency Medical Sciences (CEMS) and Bo Government Hospital in Sierra Leone have been awarded a Start-Up Grant to help develop their partnership, which aims to improve educational support for staff in Bo to overcome deficits in training for maternal and newborn care. The partnership also […]

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Department of Public Health, MidWest + Lal Gadh Leprosy Services Centre, Nepal

Empowering Leprosy Patients and Reducing Stigma ‘For Life’: A Project of the Nepal Leprosy Trust There has been a relationship between individuals in Ireland and LLSC for over 20 years now. Over the years, collaboration has taken the form of training of health practitioners, exchange of expertise, and a focus on various public health priorities. […]

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University College Cork + Mzuzu University, Malawi

Enhancing the Quality of Healthcare Education in Malawi University College Cork (UCC) along with Mzuzu University (MZUNI) staff in Malawi embarked on a joint capacity development enterprise. The overall aim is to enhance the quality of healthcare education and ultimately healthcare in Malawi with Mzuzu University. This initiative focuses on primary healthcare and public health […]

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