On this page, you will find the past issues of our regular newsletter, Partnerships Panorama, which features news, resources for those interested in International Health Partnerships, and updates from ESTHER Ireland partners. If you have any news that you would like to be included in Partnerships Panorama, please email [email protected]. If you do not currently receive Partnerships Panorama, please subscribe using the form at the bottom of the page.
Partnerships Panorama 2024 Issues
- December Issue, 2024: Grant round open, decolonising global health podcast, register for IGHNx and more.
- November Issue, 2024: Grant Round Opening!! IGHN Conference Round-up, orignal Equity in Action blog post and more!
- Special Issue, Sept 2024: IGHN Conference dedicated issue
- August Issue, 2024: Registration for IGHN Conference, orignal Equity in Action blog post, Conflict and Health series recordings & more
- June Issue, 2024: Deadline for abstracts in IGHN Conference, Conflict and Health Webinar series and more!
- May Issue, 2024: Strategic Planning, Partnerships Pathway in IGHN Conference
- February Issue, 2024: Hello 2024
: New Blog, Community Café & more
Partnerships Panorama 2023 Issues
- December Issue, 2023: End-of-Year Round Up: DGH Event, Blog and more!
- November Issue, 2023:Decolonisation Event, New Blog, IGHNx talks and more!
- Special Issue, Oct 2023: IGHNx: Humanity and Health dedicated issue
- Special Issue, Sept 2023: Partnership Forum Roundup, Partnerships Clinic, Funding Opportunity
- September Issue, 2023: 8th ESTHER Ireland Partnership Forum, Equity in Action, Partnerships News, Funding Opportunities, Events, Training Opportunities, Resources.
- July Issue, 2023: Accreditation Session, 8th ESTHER Ireland Partnership Forum, Equity in Action, Partnerships News, Funding Opportunities, Events, Training Opportunities, Resources.
- Special Issue, June 2023: Partnership Clinic on Mental Health Recording and IGHN Training Survey
- May Issue, 2023: New Programme Coordinator, Partnerships Clinics, 8th ESTHER Ireland Partnership Forum, Partnerships News,, Grant Round Open, Funding Opportunities, Events, Training Opportunities, Resources, Podcast.
- January Issue, 2023: Partnership Forum Roundup, Collaboration With Global Organisations, 2022 Grants Review, ESTHER Ireland Accreditation, Publications & Case Studies, Health Partnerships, External Funding Opportunities.
Partnerships Panorama 2022 Issues
- August Issue, 2022: Partnerships Forum Speakers, Registration, and Programme, Case Studies, Small Grant Funding Opportunities, IGHN Conference, International Day
- July Issue, 2022: Partnerships Forum Speakers, Case Study, Small Grant Funding Opportunities, Partnership News, International Days
- June Issue, 2022: UNSUNG HERO AWARD 2022, Webinar, Lectures, Conferences, Training Opportunities, Partnership News, International Days
- May Issue, 2022: ESTHER Ireland Updates, Funding Opportunities, Health Summit, Seminar, Conferences, Wellness and Resilience For Frontline Workers, Partnership News, Resources, Tools For Health Partnerships, International Days.
- March Issue, 2022: Global Health Conference, THET Covid Partnersips Event, Small Grant funding Opportunities, Grant and Partnership News, Tools For Health Partnerships.
Partnerships Panorama 2021 Issues
- May Issue, 2021: Health Partnership Perspectives: A Live Event Series, Global Health Matters Webinar, New Funding Opportunities Webpage, ESTHER Ireland Small Grants.
- March Issue, 2021: ESTHER Ireland Small Grants Deadline, Year of the Health and Care Worker, Global Inequity in COVID-19 Vaccination Webinar Recording.
Partnerships Panorama 2020 Issues
- November Issue, 2020: Irish Aid Annual Professor Father Michael HIV and AIDS Lecture, Round-up of The ESTHER Partnerships Forum, A Changing Role for Health Partnerships in a Changed World, Unsung Hero Awards 2020 Winners.
- October Issue, 2020: ESTHER Ireland Unsung Hero Award 2020, ESTHER Partnership Forum, Partnerships Stories.
- March Issue, 2020: COVID-19 Special, Free Resources on COVID-19 for Health Care Personnel, Free WHO Courses on COVID-19, Travel Advice on COVID-19 from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Publications on COVID-19 by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
- January Issue, 2020: THET Africa Grants Programme, ESTHER Small Grants Roud, Innovation Toolkit for Health Partnerships, The RCSI/COSECSA Collaboration Programme, The EQUALS Intiative.
Partnerships Panorama 2019 Issues
- December Issue, 2019: 4th ESTHER Ireland Partnership Forum, ESTHER Ireland Unsung Hero Award, ESTHER Ireland Newly Accredited and Re-accredited Partners, ESTHER Ireland is Hosting the General Secretariat of ESTHER Alliance for Global Health Partnerships, Partnerships’ Updates, Small Grants Round, Comhlámh Focus Podcast.
- September Issue, 2019: Global Health Exchange, THET 2019, ESTHER Partnership Forum, Small Grant Round, Health Partnership Update, Postcard from Pakistan, News Updates.
- July Issue, 2019: Global Health Exchange deadline 12th July, Small Grant Round, Malawi e-Health Research Centre, THET Global Health Conference, Partnership update, Global Health and Humanitarian Development Workshop, ESTHER Partners Forum, News Updates.
- May Issue, 2019: ESTHER opens 2019 Small Grant Round, Partnership Updates, Irish Aid Policy, UNFPA Report Launch.
- March Issue, 2019: ESTHER small grants campaign to open soon, HSE Global Health Programme Update, Partnership Updates.
Partnerships Panorama 2018 Issues
- October Issue, 2018: New ESTHER Health Partnerships, 4th Annual ESTHER Ireland Partnership Forum, THET Conference Highlights and more.
- August-September Issue, 2018: ESTHER Welcomes the Gorey-Malawi Health Partnership, Executive Course in Health Diplomacy & Humanitarian Space, AIDS2018 Follow-Up Event, Submission Opportunity for Upcoming GHE Conference and more.
- June-July Issue, 2018: ESTHER Alliance 2018 Meeting, UN High-Level Meeting on Ending TB, Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research and more.
- May Issue, 2018: HSE & Sudan Ministry of Health Partnership, GDPR Request by ESTHER Ireland.
- March Issue, 2018: Awarding of Eight New ESTHER Small Grants, Upcoming WHO Dialogue on Financing for Prevention and Control of NCDs, Future Health Summit 2018 and more.
Partnerships Panorama 2017 Issues
- Special Announcement, August 2017: Training opportunity: International health & development training for healthcare workers.
- July Issue, 2017: Small Grants Interview Series Dr. Niall Conroy (UCD CEMS + Bo Government Hospital, Sierra Leone); Snapshot: Insights from the Small Grants Programme; News items; Education & training opportunities; Publications; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- Special Announcement, May 2017: The 4th Global Forum on Human Resources for Health.
- April Issue, 2017: New ESTHER Ireland Partnership: HSE + Ministry of Health, Mozambique; Small Grants Interview Series: Dr. Cliona O’Sullivan (UCD Physiotherapy); News items; Education & training opportunities; Publications; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
Partnerships Panorama 2016 Issues
- November Issue, 2016: Partnerships Forum; New Publication: ESTHER Ireland Health Partnerships: What Have We Learned?; Small Grant Focus: Palms GP Surgery – Mzuzu Central Hospital Partnership; News items; Education & Training Opportunities; Publications; Call for Health Partnerships Resources and News.
- September Issue, 2016: Partnerships Forum Save the Date; Small Grants Interviews Preview; News Items; Education & Training Opportunities; Publications; Call for Health Partnerships Resources and News.
- June Issue, 2016: ESTHER Ireland Start-Up Grants workshop; European ESTHER Alliance Meeting in Oslo; News Items; Education & Training Opportunities; Publications; Call for Health Partnerships Resources and News.
- April Issue, 2016: ESTHER Ireland Start-Up Grants; News Items; Education & Training Opportunities; Publications; Call for Health Partnerships Resources and News.
- February Issue, 2016: New ESTHER Ireland Start-Up Grant Awards; News Items; Education & Training Opportunities; Publications; Call for Health Partnerships Resources and News.
Partnerships Panorama 2015 Issues
- December Issue, 2015: Partnership Feature: Developing a Regular Paediatric Oncology Service in Dar es Salaam; News Items; Upcoming Funding and Training Opportunities; A Look Back at 2015 With the Irish Forum for Global Health.
- November Issue, 2015: A new full ESTHER Ireland Partnership is announced! European ESTHER Alliance Meeting in Dublin; Upcoming Start-Up Grants Deadline; News Items; Publications and Articles; Upcoming Conferences & Events; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- October Issue, 2015: New Start-Up Grants awarded; News items; Upcoming conferences; Knowledge resources: Sustainable Development Goals; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- July-August Issue, 2015: Overseas volunteering in infection prevention & control; Start-Up Grants; Curing children’s cancer in Tanzania 2015-2020; News items; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- May-June Issue, 2015: ESTHER Ireland Start-Up Grants; Visit to Ireland by staff of Lalgadh Leprosy Services Centre, Nepal; RCSI-COSECSA Partnership Update; News Items; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- April-May Issue, 2015: ESTHER Ireland news; News items; Lessons learned from the Ebola response; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- March-April Issue, 2015: News Items; Spotlight: ESTHER Ireland Start-Up Grants Workshop (Dublin); Update: Department of Public Health, HSE MidWest + Lalgadh Leprosy Services Centre, Nepal; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- January-February Issue, 2015: News; Spotlight: The EQUALS Initiative; ESTHER Ireland Start-Up Grants Programme; Diverse Partnerships.
Partnerships Panorama 2014 Issues
- November-December Issue, 2014: ESTHER Ireland partnerships news; Steps to working in partnership; ESTHER news and updates; Call for health partnerships resources and news.
- July Issue, 2014: The new European ESTHER Alliance Strategic Framework for 2015-2020; The ESTHER Roadmap; ESTHER Ireland elected chair of the Interim Board of the EEA; Upcoming European ESTHER Alliance meeting in Morocco; Ireland’s ongoing commitment to overseas health systems strengthening; Resources and events on partnerships for health.
- June Issue, 2014: Working at home and abroad; Overseas volunteering for Irish health professionals; Domestic news; Resources for partnerships for health.
- May Issue, 2014: IFGH International Conference registration; THET International Conference reminder; VSO seek volunteers; Partnerships web resources.
- April Issue, 2014: Overview of WHO African Partnerships for Patient Safety (WHO-APPS).
- March Issue, 2014: ESTHER Ireland Website update; ESTHER Ireland Start-Up Grants; Web Resources.