
NUI Galway & Saolta Healthcare Group + Copperbelt University & Ndola Central Hospital, Zambia

Building Capacity Across Disciplines in Zambia

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A Start-Up Grant has been awarded to the developing partnership between the NUI Galway College of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, and the Saolta University Healthcare Group, and their counterparts in Zambia’s Copperbelt province: Copperbelt University School of Medicine, Ndola Central Hospital, and the associated School of Nursing in Ndola. This partnership will focus on building capacity in healthcare, education, and research, and the Start-Up Grant will aid reciprocal exploratory visits from Zambia to Ireland, and vice versa, by key senior management and operations staff.

For an overview of the partnership, please click below to watch the HSE’s Dr. Diarmuid O’Donovan presenting at the 1st ESTHER Ireland Partnerships Forum in November 2016.

Partnership Coordinators

Dr. Diarmuid O’Donovan (Director of Public Health, HSE West; Senior Lecturer in Social & Preventive Medicine, NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland)

Dr Victor Mukonka (Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Copperbelt University, Ndola, Zambia)


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