
National Office of Acute Hospitals, HSE + National Cancer Institute, University of Gezira, Sudan

Collaborative Institutional Learning on Cancer Control, Treatment & Prevention


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the University of Gezira (UG) first starting collaborating with HSE partners in 2012 through a medical conference held in Madani, Republic of Sudan. While the NCI is a leading cancer treatment institution providing both clinical and academic areas of expertise, presentations on recent progress made by the HSE with regards to cancer treatment in Ireland sparked the opportunity for knowledge sharing and learning. In light of the rising cancer incidence in Sudan, the current challenges faced by the Sudanese healthcare system are similar to those previously experienced in Ireland. Stemming from the common interests in comprehensive national cancer control, the ESTHER Start-up Grant will help to reinforce the basis for this partnership and institutional collaboration. Representatives from the NCI have already made a visit to Ireland. In order to better understand the unknown burden of cancer, the there is a need to improve healthcare infrastructure and expertise for oncological service delivery and treatment, while improving the quality of life for affected individuals and communities. The way forward now is towards control and prevention. Based on the current work of the HSE National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) and the NCI National Cancer Registry, we look forward to sharing more updates from these partners in the future.



Partnership Coordinators:

Dr. Dafaalla Abuidris (National Cancer Institute, University of Gezira, Wadmadani, Republic of Sudan)

Ian Carter (National Director for Strategic Developments, Health Services Executive, Ireland)


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