Uganda has a high maternal mortality ratio, typical of many countries in subSaharan Africa, with an estimated 336 maternal deaths per 100.000 live births. Infant mortality is 43 deaths per 1000 live births, with 42% of the mortality occurring during the neonatal period. This might be related to a weak health system in the country. 80% of the major causes of maternal and neonatal deaths are preventable if health care providers are capacity built on modern ways of assessing for danger signs and make appropriate early interventions.
The aim of this partnership is to develop a mutually beneficial partnership which will cap The partnership will encompass education, research and development of clinical care of paediatric patients. Identification of priority areas shall be agreed upon by both parties and implementation shall be based on top priority areas identified, then scaled up. A partnership would facilitate building of the capacity of the health care professionals at both Nurture Africa and CHI through education both in person and online, including informal mentoring, short courses, reciprocal visits, and participation in formal training programmes, promote audit and research capacity at both Nurture Africa and CHI and improve access to high quality diagnostic and clinical capabilities by, where possible through the development of local capacity and providing second opinion support where needed and agreed in advance.acity build local staff and ultimately lead to improved neonatal and maternal health within the area of operation.